Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

What makes us an interesting and pretty unique story, is our strong belief/philosophy in Leviticus 17:11

“for the life of the flesh is in the blood”. – Leviticus 17:11

We at Crown Wellness have had the unique insight of seeing tens of thousands of people’s live blood over the last 20+ years. There are approximately 30 conditions we can see in the blood. Your body has tens of millions of blood cells (mainly red also white blood cells, t-cells and stem cells). The body (mainly the Thymus) generates millions of new blood cells every day.

Our thesis: If you use natural products (i.e. nutritional products and supplements) to help eradicate the weak blood cells that should have been excreted by the spleen (acanthocytes, ghost cells and mycoplasmas) and take a strong probiotic to help close up the holes from leaky gut (to help keep parasites and yeast from getting into your blood), you should feel better, by having healthier blood.

It is a very simple calculus- ultimately, we attempt to stimulate your body to rebuild your blood at the cellular level, using our nutritional products. Your blood pumps from your head to your toes over 200 times a day and goes through every major organ, including the brain. It is not rocket science to think that if you keep your blood healthy, it keeps your organs healthy. The body works inside out, so healthier hair, skin and nails are likely to follow.

E3Live Renew Me/B.G. Algae (90 caps – 500 mg.)

E3 Renew Me-Blue Green Algae (90 veggie caps- 500 mg each).

It is helpful to also take a good multi-mineral product like e3 Renew Me (blue-green algae based), which helps stimulate the thymus to generate healthier replacement blood cells, not overnight, but over a period of time.


Please see the eight items in Ultimate Parasite Cleanse package, for the best products (and value) to begin your journey to Optimal Health!

In conclusion, the microscope has been our compass so to speak – to help us find the best products to improve the quality of the blood. Our program is analogous to car manufacturers telling you to change your oil every 5000 miles to keep your car running well. It is important to emphasize, that it is our nutritional products (not us) – that are helping the body produce optimal blood.

Having said this, we need to be extremely careful about making any claims. We just want to reiterate that the Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.